— Savant Krishna 2012/03/31 09:59 — Savant Krishna 2012/03/31 09:59
This page provides an area for users to make contributions.
To add yours ….
Noise implementation - here is all stuff related to .noise command implementation: syntax, noise calculation basics, discussions regarding noise implementation and code-related stuff. Noise command implementation is not complete yet, so all material have “working” status.
Gnucap Nonlinear Solver - explanation of Gnucap nonlinear solver. Comparison with classic Newton formulation and some additional considerations
Gnucap Linear Solver - Gnucap implements parse linear solver and it has own “quirks”. THis section describes known informaton about solver and known issues
Gnucap_Library - Experimental shared library version of Gnucap
Gnucap_Python - A plugin that allows Python code to be executed within a Gnucap session and a Gnucap Python extension that allows direct access to the Gnucap core from Python
Netlist import and export - Here is an idea for import and export of netlists from schematics, layouts, and foreign systems, inspired by Gnucap language plugins.
Language plugin for gschem - Plugin which can convert .sch file output of gschem into .ckt which can be analyzed by gnucap.
Sensitivity Anlysis - A Perl script to assist with sensitivity anylsis of a circuit in gnucap